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NATIONAL CANCER PREVENTION MONTH February is National Cancer Prevention Month. About 1 in 5 people believe there’s not much you can do to lower cancer risk. But did you know 50 percent of cancers can be prevented by doing just five things?Learn more about cancer risk and prevention as well as cancer screenings and early detection. […]


cancer prevention month

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February is National Cancer Prevention Month. About 1 in 5 people believe there’s not much you can do to lower cancer risk. But did you know 50 percent of cancers can be prevented by doing just five things?Learn more about cancer risk and prevention as well as cancer screenings and early detection.

Watch this video based on Jakob Jensen’s research about the public perception of cancer. Jensen is a member of Huntsman Cancer Institute’s Cancer Control and Population Science Program and also an associate director in the University of Utah Department of Communication.

Britta F. Trepp, M.S., ACSM HFS
Associate Director, PEAK Health and Fitness
University of Utah

I’ll admit that I originally adopted my dog, Sage, to be my running partner; a willing companion when no one else was available to keep me company. Maybe she would help if I got into trouble or fell. Come to find out when I trip and fall Sage mostly looks annoyed that we’re stopping. On days when I don’t run, Sage is restless. When I don’t feel like going outside or making the effort to drive to the mountains I take one look at Sage for motivation to take that step out the door. I am ALWAYS rewarded by that silly smile and flopping tongue, and I always feel better after our workout. Life is good exercising with my dog.

Dog 2
The New York Times recently wrote about dog walking for exercise. The article focused on overweight dogs and their exercise prescriptions. Interestingly, dog owners were glad to exercise their dog, as per their prescription, and ended up changing their own body composition in the process.

Check out the full New York Times article here.

Here at the University of Utah a group of faculty and staff are choosing to walk research dogs during their daily lunch break in the foothills above campus. What a fun way to give an animal fresh air in the mountains and improve your health at the same time.

For more information about this opportunity, please email


There is an outbreak of measles in the United States, and along with it, a renewed debate over mandatory vaccines for preventable diseases.

Click here to read the full story on HealthFeed.

Boy Looking in Refrigerator While Mother Unloads DishwasherFIVE GERMY ITEMS YOU PROBABLY DON’T CLEAN
When you think of areas at home that harbor germs, the bathroom might be top of mind. But a study by NSF International proved that the kitchen was by far the germiest room in the home.

Click here to read the full article.

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