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We want to hear from you

Help the U better understand its climate on sexual assault and sexual misconduct by participating in an upcoming survey.

This month, the University of Utah is conducting its third Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct in order to better understand how interpersonal violence affects its students.

In an email hitting all UMail boxes Monday, Jan. 13, all university students are being asked to participate in the 2020 survey.

Students are being asked to take three simple actions:

  1. Check your UMail inbox
  2. Take the survey
  3. Help shape a culture of safety here at the U

This anonymous survey—conducted every two years—gathers information about experiences with interpersonal violence, including sexual assault, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, stalking, harassment and other forms of relationship violence. It asks about perceptions of social situations, experiences with interpersonal violence and awareness of reporting and support resources available at the U.

“We want all students to participate in the survey even if they don’t have experience with interpersonal violence,” said Jason Ramirez, associate vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students. “The information gathered from this survey informs our services and policies to ensure they are in line with our students’ needs and experiences. Student voices matter, and we want to learn from them.”

It should take participants about 20 to 30 minutes to complete the survey. Participation is voluntary and has no effect on student status.

For those who choose to participate, questions may be skipped and it is possible to exit the survey at any time.

Please note:

Your answers are confidential and protected.

Once complete, the link with name, email and IP address will be broken so that no one can link students to their answers. The results are presented in summary form so no individual can be identified.

Your responses may require us to protect those at risk.

However, if a participant discloses information that indicates a child, a disabled person or an elderly adult has been or is being, subjected to abuse or neglect, study staff will report that information, to the extent required by law, to Child Protective Services, Adult Protective Services or the nearest law enforcement agency.

Explicit language is used.

Some language used in the survey is explicit and some people may find it uncomfortable, but it is important that the questions are asked in this way so it is clear what is meant. Should you need it, information on how to get help can be found below and also at the end of the survey.

If you have any questions or would like support after participating in the survey, please contact:

Jason Ramirez
associate vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students

Stacy Ackerlind

special assistant to the vice president for Student Affairs

If you would like to speak with a victim-survivor advocate, please contact the Center for Student Wellness at 801-581-7779, or visit Information about safety resources at the U also is available at