Training topics for supervisors
Congratulations – you’re a supervisor. OEHS has summarized the work place health and safety topics employees you direct need you to provide.
- Emergency plans, evacuation routes, use of evacuation chairs, assembly locations and emergency actions.
- Rules for reporting safety violations, incidents and near misses.
- Safe operating procedures specific to the workplace.
- Location and use of emergency eyewash and safety shower stations (if applicable).
- Location of use of fire alarm pull stations and fire extinguishers.
- Location and use of AED.
- Use of tools and equipment, lifting and material handling.
- Machine and tool guards, emergency stop control locations and use (if applicable).
- Proper ergonomic procedures and lifting techniques for the tasks at hand.
- Safety equipment and personal protective equipment.
- Hazard Communication: Specific hazards for work area chemicals.
For other topics, click here.