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[bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]With the warm weather upon us, outdoor activities such as concerts, picnics and barbecues will be a great ways to create fun and team unity. However; injuries caused by lightning strikes are the number one serve weather incidents for the state of Utah.
If you are organizing an outdoor activity, the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety would like to remind you that the university has standards that you are encouraged to follow when organizing these events. Click here for the list of steps you can take to be prepared for severe weather issues during your outdoor activities.
For maintenance and construction activities at the university, be sure to know the steps and actions to take in the event of severe weather when working outdoors. Click here to access the pre-planning and actions you can take to make these activities lower risk.
Please contact the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety with any questions. We can be reached at 801-581-6590[/bs_col]