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Remind students to vote this week from Monday, March 12-Thursday, March 15 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

By Shelby Wayment, deputy chief of staff, ASUU

Current students have the opportunity to vote in the upcoming ASUU elections from Monday, March 12- Thursday, March 15 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Log into CIS to cast your vote and the results will then be posted to the ASUU Elections website by 5 p.m. on March 16.

Presidential candidates

This year the RISE party is the only party running in the presidential election. The RISE party consists of Connor Morgan for president, Maggie Gardner for vice president of University Relations, and Xandra Pryor for vice president of Student Relations.

Their platform consists of:

  • Transforming campus events to put on more collaborative events with on-campus partners that appeal to a broader audience. They also plan on making traditional events like Redfest and CODE larger and more exciting.
  • Making campus feel more like a community by encouraging student leaders to participate in bystander intervention and diversity trainings. They also plan on better educating students, faculty, and staff about mental health issues.
  • Creating a more transparent and efficient student government to better serve students. This entails a more proactive approach in interacting with student groups, including Plazafest registration and the funding process.

The RISE party states they know the U is an amazing place to go to college, but it isn’t perfect. Through their platform they aim to help resolve some flaws and improve every student’s experience at the U.

Legislative candidates

This year there are 26 Assembly candidates and 21 Senate candidates running. Students vote for representatives in their individual colleges, and this year several of the elections are very competitive. The Senate is comprised of 18 senators with one senator representing each college. Assembly has 36 representatives, with representatives distributed proportionally according the number of students enrolled in each respective college. To learn more about candidates running in this years election click here.

Senators act as the representative of their colleges and serve as an advisory board for their College Student Councils. By running college student council meetings, senators serve as a direct liaison to ASUU for individual student and student orginizations. The Senate also holds voting seats on the Academic Senate where they ensure that student voices are represented.

Assembly representatives are responsible for legislation, and often facilitate the funding for student organizations . Assembly representatives help ensure that your student group is being represented within ASUU.

For any questions or concerns please contact a member of the elections registrar team.

Elections Registrar: Cassidy Pearson