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New Years resolutions – @theU
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Making New Year’s resolutions

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-8″]New Year’s resolutions aren’t just for adults—kids can make them too. Pediatrician Dr. Cindy Gellner says by helping children make and keep resolutions, parents can teach their children important values such as commitment. Dr. Gellner has some tips for helping your children choose a resolution or two, and how best to hold them to it. […]

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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-8″] NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS? PEAK CAN HELP Are you planning to improve your health and fitness in 2017? Let PEAK help you succeed.  Our services can help with many of the most common resolutions. Fitness resolutions: Get fit – move more – gain strength – practice yoga – run a 5K – have […]

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A Healthier U

[bs_row class=”row”][bs_col class=”col-sm-9″] NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! For many of us, a new year is all about resolution, reflection, new beginnings, big ideas, a fresh start and a clean slate. It’s a great time to take stock of where you are and where you want to be. Here are some things you might consider when […]

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