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Memorial Day is an opportunity for the entire nation to come together and recognize those who paid the ultimate price through respectful recognition of their sacrifices.

By Roger Perkins, director of the Veterans Support Center

Everyone who serves in the military takes a gamble with their life. The vast majority of service members return home safely, but some do not. Veterans share a bond, and though they recognize the necessity of serving their country, they feel each and every loss as though it was their own family member.

Memorial Day is an opportunity for the entire nation to come together and recognize those who paid the ultimate price through respectful recognition of their sacrifices.

As we take time to recognize those who lost their lives in the service of our country, consider nominating a Utah veteran to be honored at the University of Utah’s 18th annual Veterans Day commemoration on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2015, in the A. Ray Olpin Union building.

The deadline to submit nominations is June 12, 2015. Nomination forms are available online at

Honorees are selected after a thorough examination of their military service by a panel of fellow veterans, military experts, university faculty and staff and the public. The nominee must currently live in Utah and be able and willing to talk about his or her experiences in the armed forces. While all nominations will be considered, regardless of the time period and conditions under which the veteran served, special attention will be given to those who have been in harm’s way. The 11 veterans selected will receive a commemorative medallion and individual recognition at a public ceremony at the U on Veterans Day.