If you missed the Academic Senate meeting on Feb. 7, 2022, or need a refresher, then keep reading for the highlights from the meeting. For more information on the Academic Senate, click here.
Intent Calendar
Report from the Senate Task Force on the Role of Honorary Degrees in a Modern University
Stephen Alder presented on the following:
The Senate Task Force on the Role of Honorary Degrees in a Modern University was established to create a report on the topic of the current and future roles and practices surrounding honorary degrees. Academic Senate leadership appointed the task force membership with the intent of obtaining diverse perspectives on this topic. A summary of this report will be presented, including the processes by which other universities select recipients, the purpose of honorary degrees at other institutions, trends in the number of degrees awarded, the benefits and drawbacks of honorary degrees and recommendations regarding honorary degrees at the University of Utah.
Debate Calendar
New undergraduate B.A./B.S. for the Department of Education, Culture, and Society
Karen A. Johnson, Ph.D. and Verónica E. Valdez, Ph.D. presented on the following:
The College of Education’s Department of Education, Culture, and Society (ECS) proposes to establish a new undergraduate B.A. and B.S. program, majoring in Education and Community Engagement for Social Change (ECE4SC). The proposed degree major is comprised of 45 units in the major (122 credits for overall degree) and is structured to prepare our graduates to work as educators in a range of community-based settings or non-profit organizations that offer educational training and programming for children, youth and adults in an informal non-traditional K-16 and adult education setting not requiring licensure. The proposed degree major supports and complements ECS, the College of Education and the University of Utah’s commitment to seeking strong and viable connections to Utah communities by creating new pathways to higher education for Utah students.
Final Policy 1-021 Abusive Conduct and rules A,B, C
Amy Emrazian and Trina Rich presented the following:
Replacing the Interim Abusive Conduct Policy and rules with a final policy.
Information & Recommendation Calendar
Senate Personnel & Elections Committee Announcements
Dale Larsen, chair of the Senate Personnel & Elections Committee, announced the results of the apportionment of tenure-line faculty seats in the Academic Senate, the calendar for the Faculty Interest Survey, Personnel & Elections Committee Work and the Senate elections.