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Indoor environmental quality concern

Go online to complete the Indoor Environmental Quality Concern Form.

Do you smell strange or unusual odors that are not extremely strong or acutely irritating?

Go online to complete the Indoor Environmental Quality Concern Form at

Do you smell extremely strong or acutely irritating odors that are causing symptoms such as burning, watering eyes, running nose, coughing, etc.?

Leave the area and immediately contact Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety at 801-581-6590.

Tell the person who answers the phone that the odor is extremely strong or acutely irritating. Be prepared to provide your name and contact information, describe your symptoms and the situation.

Do you smell natural gas? Is your office too hot or too cold?

Contact Facilities Operations:
Main Campus at 801-581-7221
Health Sciences at 801-581-2241

Are you experiencing symptoms that you think are due to your workspace, but can’t smell anything?

Complete the online Indoor Environmental Quality Concern form at

For more safety procedures, download the U Heads Up! app to your Apple or Android device. Information about this application can be found by clicking here.