Do you want to help shape policies governing the University of Utah? This is your chance to submit your interest by filling out the annual Faculty Committee Interest form. The Senate Personnel & Elections Committee (P&E) is charged with nominating faculty members to serve on dozens of university and senate committees that address issues such as academic policy, diversity, academic freedom and more. Upcoming vacancies on multiple committees include the University Research Committee, Senate Advisory Committee on IT, Athletics Advisory Council, Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights, Senate Advisory Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and many more listed below.
The P&E Committee nominates faculty for each senate and university committee vacancy. Membership on senate committees is then decided by election through the Academic Senate. Appointment to university committees is made by President Taylor Randall from a candidate list submitted by P&E.
Chair Dale Larsen reports that there are 81 faculty and 11 staff vacancies on 21 different committees that need to be filled for the next academic year. Below are the committees with vacancies and the descriptions of each. If you would like to be considered for a university or senate committee nomination, click the button below to fill out the interest survey. The survey closes on March 14, 2022.
University and senate committees
The University Research Committee fosters creative scholarship through Faculty Research Grants, Distinguished Research Awards and Faculty Fellow Awards. Members receive and evaluate applications and nominations for these grants, fellowships and awards.
The Senate Advisory Committee on IT reviews all requests proposed to the Strategic Information Technology Committee (SITC) in order to determine those which have an impact on the academic mission of the university. When a proposal is determined to have academic impact, the SACIT will engage in discussion with and make recommendations to the SITC on the proposal.
The Athletics Advisory Council functions as a policy recommendation and review body for intercollegiate athletics. They review the annual intercollegiate athletics budget, requirements for intercollegiate athletics honors and awards, the qualifications of applicants for major positions in the Intercollegiate Athletic Program, and they report on the status of all compliance, eligibility, academic and other appropriate matters related to athletics.
The Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights reports on issues related to academic freedom, faculty rights, and academic grievances. The committee keeps fully informed on the most important controversies on academic freedom and faculty rights in higher education, surveys problems of academic freedom and faculty rights at the University of Utah and informs the senate on these matters in its annual report.
The Senate Advisory Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion provides leadership and expertise to the university community in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. The committee’s principal role is to identify issues, projects and proposals that further a positive climate of equity on the university campus and promote appreciation of diversity in the wider community.
The Senate Advisory Committee on Academic Policy considers any matter relating to academic policy broadly defined, including matters relating to academic activities to teaching and research, the university libraries and salaries and benefits of faculty and other academic personnel. Senate Executive Committee, or the senate, may refer to this committee any question or consideration of any proposal regarding academic policy which is not otherwise assigned to another committee of the senate. Upon its selection of a subject for study, the committee shall notify all interested agencies within the university, including standing committees and invite their cooperation.
The Senate Advisory Committee on Student Course Feedback's focus is developing a standardized “Student Course Feedback Instrument” and a standardized “Course Feedback Report” suitable for use in all credit-bearing courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. The committee develops appropriate procedures and forms for use by all course-offering academic units.
The Senate Advisory Committee on University Strategic Planning ensures that academic interests, such as academic freedom, academic excellence and principles of shared governance are considered when developing the long-term strategic directions of the university. The Committee strives to persuade the administration to make critical long-term budgetary and academic policy decisions in as open and public a way as possible.
The Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee hears grievances and complaints brought against faculty members at the University of Utah or by faculty members asserting rights including appeals from retention, promotion and tenure decisions. It is the hearing body for matters initially considered but not resolved by other committees, offices or individuals.
The Senate Faculty Review Standards Committee advises the Senate and University administration regarding regulations and practices for regular, periodic reviews of members of the University faculty (and non-faculty instructional personnel teaching credit-bearing courses).
The Senate Personnel and Elections Committee makes nominations for elections of members to standing committees of the Senate and other Senate. Additionally, if the Senate is authorized by any university regulation, or requested by an administrator, to make membership nominations for a committee to be appointed by the university administration, the Personnel and Elections Committee shall prepare the list of nominees.
The Academic Appeals and Misconduct Committee consists of faculty members appointed to sit on college councils outside of their home college to determine, by a preponderance of the evidence, whether a student engaged in academic misconduct; recommends any academic sanction it deems appropriate, including but not limited to suspension or dismissal from the program or university or revocation of a student’s degree or certificate.
The Campus Health and Safety Committee formulates, reviews and/or recommends the adoption of environmental health and safety policies. Advises administration on the status of these university programs and achievement of goals established on an annual basis. Provides appropriate staff and faculty expertise for development of tools to assess safety performance and risk management.
The Committee on Student Affairs develops and implements policies pertaining to student life in the University; serves as an appellate court to the ASUU Judiciary and the Greek Council Judiciary; recommends to the Board of Trustees proposed regulations relating to student government and student organizations, proposed amendments to the Student Code, and proposed amendments to the ASUU constitution.
The Conflict of Interest Committee serves as an advisory body to the university administration on conflict-of-interest issues; upon referral from the designated vice president, reviews and recommends approval, disapproval or approval with conditions, potential conflicts of interest; distinguishes among unacceptable conflicts of interest, potential and actual conflicts that are acceptable without approval or oversight.
The Credits and Admission Committee estimates the value of credit presented by entering students, whether for freshman or advanced standing and acts except as otherwise provided, on all matters of admission or credit, including the granting of credit through special examinations.
The Institutional Biosafety Committee reviews and approves research involving the use of recombinant DNA.
The Parking System and Public Transportation Advisory Committee serves as an advisory group to the administration on the university parking system and public transportation services available on campus; reviews concerns and interests from any person or group.
The Parking Violations Appeals Committee hears and adjudicates appeals from students, faculty, staff members and university visitors and guests who are not satisfied with the rulings of the parking appeals officer concerning contested parking citations issued on the campus.
The Student Behavior Committee serves as a campus-wide committee with jurisdiction to hear all charges of student misconduct against individual students, undergraduate or graduate, except for those offenses which are delegated from time to time to other committees by explicit action of the Board of Trustees; has authority to impose appropriate sanctions for established acts of student misconduct.
The Student Fee Learning Abroad Scholarship Committee is responsible for administering, monitoring, and implementing scholarships funded by the Learning Abroad Scholarship Student Fee. The committee also encourages participation in approved international programs by promoting student fee funded scholarships across campus.
The University Interdisciplinary Teaching Program approves the internal rules of each of the QIDT Programs for faculty appointments, evaluations and reappointments; makes recommendations to the senior vice president regarding individual appointments and reappointments of lecturer faculty within the QIDT Programs; and approves the rules of each QIDT Program for evaluation of non-faculty instructional personnel.
The University Press Faculty Editorial Advisory Committee advises the director of the University of Utah Press on selection of manuscripts for publication.
The University Studies Committee reviews for approval baccalaureate programs of study individually designed by students under the supervision of a faculty advisor, leading to the Bachelor of University Studies.
The University Teaching Committee encourages the efforts of faculty members, departments and colleges to improve individual teaching skill, devises effective teaching techniques, recognizes and rewards superior achievements in teaching, suggests and encourages procedures through which students may improve the effectiveness of the teaching process; makes recommendations concerning University Teaching Grants, the Calvin S. & Jeneal N. Hatch Prize in Teaching, John R. Park Teachers’ Fellowships, Distinguished Teaching Awards.