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Senate Summary | February 2021

If you missed the Academic Senate meeting on Feb. 1, 2021, or need a refresher, then keep reading for the highlights from the meeting.

If you missed the Academic Senate meeting on Feb. 1, 2021, or need a refresher, then keep reading for the highlights from the meeting. For more information on the Academic Senate, click here.

Debate Calendar

ASUU Joint Resolution 6: "Let Her Light Shine"

ASUU President Ephraim Kum and ASUU Vice President of University Relations Ayana Amaechi presented the "Let Her Light Shine: A Day of Memoriam for Lauren McCluskey and Other Students Victim to Domestic Violence" resolution. This resolution was passed through the Associated Students of the University of Utah in December 2020. The resolution was met with support from students, staff and faculty who desired to end the dangers of intimate partner violence by promising each other to listen, believe and help those who may be victims of intimate partner violence. We created this resolution in honor of one of our own peers—Lauren McCluskey in an effort to ensure no student would ever face the same fate.

Information & Recommendation Calendar

Two new German B.A. emphases

The Department of World Languages and Culture proposes two new emphases for its Bachelor of Arts in German.

1. Emphasis in German Society and Culture

The entry point for this degree emphasis is German 1010, and this emphasis focuses broadly on German culture and history (taught in English or German). Students will reach Intermediate German language skills.

2. Emphasis in Advanced Language, Literature, and Culture

This emphasis is tailored to students who already know German through an in-country experience, dual immersion and Bridge Program or are dedicated to investing significant time in language learning. The focus is on Advanced language skills to prepare students for either study or work in Germany. The entry point for this degree is German 3040.

Graduate Council Program Reviews

The Graduate School Associate Dean Katharine Ullman presented the seven-year Graduate Council Program Reviews for the departments of Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Operations and Information Systems as well as the School of Accounting.

Medicinal Chemistry

Medicinal Chemistry is widely recognized for its excellence in research. In addition to significant contributions to the PharmD program (not reviewed here), the faculty train doctoral level students and post-doctoral fellows. These trainees were “positive and enthusiastic about their experience.” Future goals include improving communication, articulating and building on a departmental vision, and continuing efforts to increase diversity.

Pharmacology & Toxicology

Pharmacology & Toxicology is notable for the high morale of its tenure- and career-line faculty, and students, as well as for housing two research centers well-known for their excellence, the Anticonvulsant Drug Development program and the Center for Human Toxicology. The doctoral training program has rigorous processes in place to track student progress and aims to expand these strategies to their postdoctoral fellow cohort. Two other current priorities are rebuilding numbers through faculty hiring and completing facility upgrades.

Operations & Information Systems

Operations & Information Systems, formed in 2009, is achieving a strong reputation and has attracted many students to its degree programs, including much growth in its graduate certificate and Master’s program in Information Systems. A current and future emphasis is on developing a unifying collaborative vision that promotes synergy between disciplinary groups within the department—along with integrating oversight of the Master of Healthcare Administration.

School of Accounting

School of Accounting faculty make central contributions to undergraduate and doctoral degrees in Accounting as well as directly managing the Master of Accounting Program, which has seen growth to close to 200 students and has an excellent record of post-graduate licensure and placement. Faculty have been recognized for excellence in teaching, and tenure-line faculty productivity in research and scholarly activity was noted. The school has developed a well-received Women’s Mentoring Program for students and expansion of this model was encouraged.

New emphases B.S. in Mining Engineering

The Department of Mining Engineering has undergone an extensive review of its curriculum that has involved benchmarking of all major mining engineering programs in the U.S., extensive faculty discussions, industrial advisory board evaluation and input and a student survey. Based on this information, the Department of Mining Engineering revised its curriculum to include five areas of emphasis: Aggregates and Mineral Processing, Geomechanics and Spatial Analytics, Mine Safety and Health, Mine Operations Management, and Sustainable Resource Development as part of the B.S. degree in mining engineering.

Each of these areas of emphasis is critical to the existing curriculum. The areas of emphasis and related certificates are needed to address the broader impact areas of the mining industry by allowing students to focus on and receive training in these areas as part of their degree program or as part of a separate certificate.

Senate Personnel & Elections Committee

Within the concept of shared faculty governance, faculty at the University of Utah are encouraged to self-nominate to be elected to senate and university committees. These vital committees advise on university strategic planning, information technologies, faculty rights, campus safety, parking and more. In this brief talk, the chair of the Personnel & Elections Committee will promote faculty participation with a campus faculty survey, encouragement for senators to reach out to their peers, and a description of important timelines and deadlines.